Koh Weng Wai,
Head of Online Marketplaces & Digital Marketing, SPH Digital


Digital evangelist who has been plying his trade in digital agencies and media agencies for the past 13 years. Previously seen roaming the hallways of MediaCom and P&G offices. Currently lurking around in the realms of SPH Digital speaking the digital language to everyone he sees.


Big data. Yep, okay. I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of times that someone utters the words big data to me on a daily basis.

First party data, second party data, third party data, you've heard it all. From publishers, agencies, clients, data vendors, etc all have laid a stake to claim that their data is important. Facebook, with Atlas can claim that they will have social data points across multiple devices and it's addressable. Publishers will have their own data points from website data, subscription data, agencies have their research and panel data, the research agencies have research, econometrics, MMM, etc.

But who truly wins?

I don't think any of us win, not in the slightest way until we all get over being overly protective and possessive of our own data sets. It will never be enough. We all need to collaborate and find that common ground where we can accept sharing and matching of data points to en-rich it further. The true omni-channel data sets.

BI consultancy guys might argue that only first party data can matter but with the amount of privacy concerns and regulatory processes in every market, what can you truly do with addressable data? Now, imagine what you can do with a segment of males who you know is between the ages of 25-34, who are PMEB/PMETs, who are categorically interested in buying a D segment car, is also a large mobile data subscriber and has made on average 3-4 e-commerce transactions in the past month? Do I really need to know his name is Richard Walker?

This utopian data world is not far from us, the gap is really because data owners in most industries are unwilling to share and match their data points. The sad truth is, till we get to that point of trust (basic trust that stakeholders won't steal your data points, they just want to enrich each other's data points), we will never advance to the next level.

So no one wins, for now.
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